June 19, 2007

The Best Exercises for Summer Sexy Legs

The Best Exercises for Summer Sexy Legs from CareFair imageWhen the warm weather hits and the shorts come out of the closet, sometimes it can be intimidating to let those legs out of their winter slacks and jeans as well. The key to turning those legs into lookers for the summer season is all in the exercises that you choose. There are plenty of choices that will whip those thighs and hips into condition, so let’s get to toning!

First, it is important to note that spot toning is not a terribly effective way to exercise any part of your body, including your legs. While it may be a noble goal indeed to want shapelier legs for the warm weather months, all sexy muscle tone must begin with aerobic activity. This means power walking, jogging, cycling or hiking to your heart’s content. And speaking of hearts, yours will benefit from this cardio exercise as well, so get out there and get moving!

I’m too Sexy for my…

Once you’ve got the cardio routine under your belt, the toning work can begin. One of the best ways to tone the legs, hips and buttocks is with some of the machines at your local gym. The leg press, leg curl and various hip machines can target muscles groups and work them most effectively without the risk of injury. The leg press is by far the best for targeting all of the muscles from the waist down, but other machines will be extremely effective for more precise toning as well. If you can, hit the gym about three times a week for maximum benefit, and never work the same muscle groups on back to back days.

If you don’t have regular access to weight machines, you can still get an effective toning workout at home with a few simple exercises. Most fitness experts agree that the best exercises for shaping the legs include lunges and squats, in any and all combinations and forms. To increase the challenge in your exercise, you can add dumbbells or resistance bands that will give you a bigger bang for your workout buck. Both of these exercises can be done anytime and anywhere, with no need for equipment or a lot of space.

The full of this article's can be read on the source at: CareFair.com

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