June 24, 2007

Lips and Aging: The Often Overlooked and Forgotten

Lips and Aging - The Often Overlooked and ForgottenFor the skin care conscious, every morning begins with cleansing and skin-care products to fight the signs of aging, and every day ends with the same. In many of our skin-care routines, however, there is a large part of our skin that is often overlooked and neglected - the lips. The lips, next to the eyes, may be the most visible and noticed features of our face and few of us give the skin here the attention and care that it needs and deserves. Why are the lips so often overlooked when it comes to preventing and treating the signs of premature aging? Perhaps because there are fewer products available for the lips and many skin-care conscious individuals don`t realize the importance of the difference in our facial skin and how different products are needed to prevent and treat aging of the lips.

How Does Aging Affect the Lips?

When it comes to treating and preventing the signs of premature aging, most skin-care conscious people only think of the skin and fine lines and wrinkles located around the lips. But what reveals even more about the health and age of our skin is actually the health of the skin on the lips themselves.

We know that as our skin ages one of the worst offenders of looking older than our age is thinning of the skin and epidermis. This problem is compounded in the skin of the lips since the surface of the lips themselves is naturally already much thinner than the other skin of our face. The fact that the skin of our lips is so much thinner than in other areas, put together with the fact that as we age the lips naturally lose water and oil, the skin of the lips will age much faster than most other areas of our face if they do not receive the proper hydration and care they need.

How To Protect Lips From Aging

Now that you are more aware of just how venerable the skin of our lips are and how important it is to include them in routine skin-care, you can now make caring for your lips and preventing the signs of premature aging here a part of your daily skin routine. The great news is that since the skin of the lips is thinner, there is more opportunity here to actually reverse the signs of aging than in other areas of the skin. Damage caused by dryness or overexposure to the sun may actually be more repairable on the lips than anywhere else on the face.

Dermatologists recommend as the most important combatant in fighting the signs of premature aging in the lips, the daily application of lip moisturizers. Protecting the skin of the lips from the sun is just as important as the skin elsewhere on our face, so doctors recommend a lip moisturizer with a sunscreen. Many lip protectant brands, such as Blistex for example, are releasing anti-aging products for lips that contain alpha-hydroxy products - all just a part of the effort to help lips age gracefully.

Source: CareFair.com

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