June 24, 2007

Quick Workouts to Prepare you for Bikini Weather

Quick Workouts to Prepare you for Bikini WeatherLet’s hear it girlfriends, who is ready to hit the beach? Unfortunately many of us are probably still sporting those post-holiday bodies that are not ready for the bikini season, and it may feel as though there is no time left to whip those abs into shape. The good news is that you can indeed find the time to get your body bikini ready, and all it takes is a few minutes a day with the precise exercises that will focus on those problem areas that we all hate to show off. Within a matter of weeks of sticking with your workout program, you will be able to don that bathing suit with confidence and hit the beach in style.

Drop the Pounds Quick

The first step in your bikini preparation should be to start on a daily cardio program that will allow you to burn the calories and increase your energy and vitality. How does your body like to move? Select a workout that includes running, brisk walking, cycling or swimming, and stick with it at least four times a week for 30 to 45 minutes at a time. If you have not been exercising up to this point, make sure you get your doctor’s okay before embarking on a new exercise regimen. Don’t be afraid of sweat, since a higher level of exercise will help you to break through a plateau to begin dropping the pounds. Cardio exercise will also help you to burn the excess fat that has accumulated over the winter months, allowing you to say goodbye to the love handles and flabby derriere. Increase your odds of decreasing your weight by cutting fats and sugar out of your diet at the same time.

Tone and Tighten

Once you have that cardio workout going strong, it is time to add some strengthening and toning exercises that will tighten the areas that need the most help. Some of the best exercises that you can do for quick results include squats and lunges for the lower part of the body, and pushups and weight lifting for the upper body. Investing in a couple of light dumbbells will allow you to add shoulder and arm exercises to your program, and resistance bands will offer additional options for upper and lower body work. Incorporate weight training into your routine two or three times each week for 30 minutes at a time, and you are guaranteed to see positive results within a few weeks. Combining strength training with the cardio work will allow you to burn the fat faster and increase muscle tone at the same time.

It may take a bit of time and effort, but a bikini ready body does not require trips to the gym 24-7. Use your time wisely, and you will be ready to sport that suit in no time!

Source: CareFair.com

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